Cette huile merveilleuse illustre parfaitement l’alliance toute marocaine qui unit tradition et modernité. Elle conjugue pour le meilleur, l’héritage d’un passé lointain et les considérations du temps présent.
Argan oil is undoubtedly one of the emblems of the Kingdom of Morocco, in the same way as the art of the carpet, mint tea or Tajine cooking
This oil comes from the fruit of a shrub, the argan tree, which belongs to the Sapotaceae family, evergreen plants that are widespread in tropical regions. The shea tree, whose nuts are used to produce Shea Butter, also belongs to the same family..
Its official name is Argania spinosa L., the word spinoza indicating the presence of thorns. Its name in the Berber language is simply Argan although it is known as theTree of Iron because of the characteristic hardness of its wood.
It is its fruit that gave it its reputation. According to tradition, this fruit, blessed by God, is harvested every September. It is in the form of an oval shell, rather like an almond or acorn. It contains a kernel which is dried and then heated over a fire, depending on the final product required. Indeed, the argan oil used in gastronomy is obtained with roasted fruit, whereas the cosmetic use of the final product requires an unroasted fruit. From this kernel an oil with multiple benefits is finally extracted.
If the argan tree is mainly found in the region between Agadir and Essaouira, i.e. the southwest of the country, the explanation lies in the long history of its arrival in Morocco. Nearly 60 million years ago, in the heart of the Cenozoic era, the territories today covered by Morocco and Algeria were covered with this solid shrub, but the ice ages that spread over the African continent in the Quaternary pushed the argan tree back to the Atlantic coast where it finally found the ideal soil for its growth.
The argan tree thus became the tree of all the Amazigh people of these regions of Morocco, including mainly the Souss territories around Agadir. Since prehistoric times, through antiquity, and up to the present day, the argan tree has served both humans and animals and has protected the soil from the forces of the ocean. Already the famous explorer Leon the African mentions in his 16th century accounts the use of argan oil for food and lighting.
But it is its medicinal virtues that have forged its international reputation.
The important presence of fatty acids and vitamin E endows argan oil with effective moisturizing and nourishing properties to prevent skin aging. It is also useful for treating eczema, acne, chicken pox and chapped skin, and does wonders for maintaining healthy hair. Finally, recent scientific studies have revealed the impact of the internal components of the kernel in the prevention of cardiovascular risks and the preventive treatment of prostate cance.
Argan oil, a true gift from heaven that has been springing from the soils of Morocco for millions of years, is on sale at the hotel’s boutique.
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